As Republicans, former Republicans, and former officials of Republican administrations, we believe that President Trump remaining in office is a threat to the United States. He must be removed from office immediately.
Adm. Steve Abbot
Fmr Dep Homeland Security Advisor
Carol Adelman
Fmr Asst Administrator, USAID
Amb. Ken Adelman
Fmr Director, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
Amb. Peter Allgeier
Fmr Deputy U.S. Trade Representative
David Almacy
Fmr Intelligence Director, The White House
Luis Alvarado
Republican Strategist
Mary Catherine Andrews
Fmr Special Asst to the President
Donald Ayer
Fmr Dep Attorney General
Rep. Steve Bartlett
Fmr U.S. Representative
Christopher Barton
Fmr Director, NSC Staff
Margaret Mankin Barton
Fmr Exec Dir, National Women's Business Coucil
Scott Bean
Fmr Director, Michigan Senate Republican Campaign Committee
John Bellinger
Fmr Legal Adviser, Dept of State
Amb. Kenneth Bernard
Fmr Special Asst to the President
Susan Bevan
Co-Chair, Republican Majority for Choice
Cathy Blaney
GOP Fundraiser
Christian Bonat
Fmr Dep General Counsel, Defense Dept
Amb. Richard Burt
Fmr U.S. Ambassador
Mayor Sam Kathryn Campana
Fmr Mayor of Scottsdale, AZ
Kevin Carroll
Fmr Counsel to Secretary of Homeland Security
Jason Carroll
Fmr State & Local Coordinator, Dept of Homeland Security
Rep. Rod Chandler
Fmr U.S. Representative
Amb. Jack Chow
Fmr Dep Asst Secretary of State
Gary Clary
State Legislator, SC
Heath Clayton
Fmr Special Project Coordinator, The White Hosue
Eliot Cohen
Fmr Counselor of the Dept of State
Joseph Collins
Fmr Dep Asst Secretary of Defense
Bret Coulson
Fmr Director, NSC Staff
Patrick Cronin
Fmr Asst Administrator, USAID
Amb. Sada Cumber
Fmr U.S. Special Envoy to the OIC
Jim Cunneen
Fmr State Legislator, CA
Murray Dickman
Fmr Acting Chief of Staff, Dept of Justice
Paula Dockery
State Senator, FL
Raymond DuBois
Fmr Acting Under Secretary of the Army
Lewis Dunn
Fmr Asst Director, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
Roberta Dunn
Fmr Dep Asst Secretary of Education
Sen. Dave Durenberger
Fmr U.S. Senator
Amb. Eric Edelman
Fmr Under Secretary of Defense
Rep. Mickey Edwards
Fmr U.S. Representative
Richard Falkenrath
Fmr Dep Asst to the President
John Farner
Fmr Asst Director of the Office of Business Liaison, Dept of Commerce
Peter Feaver
Fmr Special Advisor, NSC Staff
Todd Ferrara
Fmr Special Asst to the Secretary of Agriculture
Jon Fortin
Fmr Special Assistant, Dept of the Treasury
Emil Frankel
Fmr Asst Secretary of Transportation
Charles Fried
Fmr Solicitor General
Aaron Friedberg
Fmr Dep Asst to the Vice President
Kim Fuller
Fmr Director for International Affairs, Dept of the Army
William Gaches
Fmr Director of Counterterrorism, NSA
Kelly Ganzberger
Fmr Asst to the Chief Counsel, RNC
John Gardner
Fmr Special Asst to the President
Janice Gardner
Fmr Asst Secretary of the Treasury
Spencer Geissinger
Fmr Dep Asst for Operations, The White House
Stuart Gerson
Fmr Acting Attorney General
Jamil Jaffer
Fmr Assoc Counsel to the President
Amb. James Glassman
Fmr Under Secretary of State
Patricia Goldman
Fmr Vice Chair, National Transportation Safety Board
David Gordon
Fmr Director, State Dept, Policy Planning
Colleen Graffy
Fmr Dep Asst Secretary of State
Michael Green
Fmr Senior Director, NSC Staff
Rep. Jim Greenwood
Fmr U.S. Representative
Paul Haenle
Fmr Director, NSC Staff
Mark Harvey
Fmr Special Asst to the President
Gen. Michael Hayden
Fmr Director of the CIA and NSA
Amb. Carla Hills
Fmr U.S. Trade Representative
Seth Hurwitz
Fmr Counsel, President's Intelligence Oversight Board
William Inboden
Fmr Senior Director, NSC Staff
Ash Jain
Fmr Member, State Department Policy Planning
Cody Johnson
Fmr Advance Team, The White Hosue
Amb. Robert Jordan
Fmr U.S. Ambassador
Amb. Richard Kauzlarich
Fmr Dep Asst Secretary of State
Peter Keisler
Fmr Acting Attorney General
James Kelly
Fmr Asst Secretary of State
Karen Kirksey
Fmr Dep Assoc Administrator, General Services Admin
Ken Krieg
Fmr Under Secretary of Defense
William Kristol
Fmr Chief of Staff, Vice President Dan Quayle
Catherine Simonds Krug
Fmr Dep Director, Personal Correspondence, The White House
James Kunder
Fmr Deputy Administrator, USAID
Stephen Kurzman
Fmr Asst Secretary of Health, Education & Welfare
Bob LaBrant
General Counsel, Michigan Chamber of Commerce
Edward Larson
Fmr Counsel, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Dept of Education
Amb. Frank Lavin
Fmr Under Secretary of Commerce
Rep. Jim Leach
Fmr U.S. Representative
Michael Leiter
Fmr Director, Natonal Counterterrorism Ctr
Bruce Lemkin
Fmr Dep Under Secretary of the Air Force
Marty Linsky
Fmr State Legislator, MA
Michael Lofgren
Fmr Analyst for National Security, Senate Budget Cmte
Amb. Winston Lord
Fmr U.S. Ambassador
R.J. Lyman
Chair, Weld 2020 Campaign
Amy Maddux
Fmr Counsel for the Bush 2000 Campaign
Amb. Steven Mann
Fmr Prin Dep Asst Secretary of State
Robert Manning
Fmr Senior Counselor, Dept of State
Rosario Marin
Fmr Treasurer of the United States
David Maturen
Fmr State Legislator, MI
Col. John McDonald
Fmr Dep Under Secretary of the Army
David Meyers
Fmr Asst Staff Secretary, The White House
Richard Miles
Fmr Director, NSC Staff
Paul Miller
Fmr Director, NSC Staff
Timothy Miller
Fmr Spokesperson, RNC
John Mitnick
Fmr General Counsel, Department of Homeland Security
Allen Moore
Fmr Under Secretary of Commerce
Alberto Mora
Fmr Gen Counsel, Dept of the Navy
Kenneth Mortensen
Fmr Assoc Dep Attorney General
John Moseman
Fmr Chief of Staff, CIA
Virginia Mulberger
Fmr Special Asst to the President
Mike Murphy
Republican Strategist
Elizabeth Neumann
Fmr Asst Secretary of Homeland Security
Dennis O'Brien
Fmr Speaker of the House, PA
Sean O’Keefe
Fmr Secretary of the Navy and NASA Administrator
Douglas Paal
Fmr Senior Director, NSC Staff
Larry Pfeiffer
Fmr Chief of Staff, CIA
Douglas Prescott
Fmr State Legislator, NY
Kristopher Purcell
Fmr Assoc Communications Director, The White House
Alan Charles Raul
Fmr Assoc Counsel to the President
John Ravitz
Fmr State Legislator, NY
Victor Reis
Fmr Direcotr, Defense Adv Research Projects Agency
Dawn Riley
Fmr Director of Intergovernmental Affairs, Dept of Agriculture
Thomas Roberts
Fmr Special Assistant, Dept of Agriculture
Jonathan Rose
Fmr Asst Attorney General
Paul Rosenzweig
Fmr Dep Asst Secretary of Homeland Security
Michael Rubin
Fmr Country Director, Office of the Secretary of Defense
Nicholas Rostow
Fmr NSC Legal Advisor
Jeffrey Runge
Fmr Asst Secretary of Homeland Security
Andrew Sagor
Fmr Spec Asst to the Amb-at-Large for War Crimes Issues
Mark Salter
Fmr Chief of Staff, Sen. John S. McCain III
Anthony Scaramucci
Fmr Communications Director, The White House
Kori Schake
Fmr Prin Dep Director, State Dept Policy Planning
Rep. Claudine Schneider
Fmr U.S. Representative
Wayne Schroeder
Fmr Dep Under Secretary of Defense
Amb. Gregory Schulte
Fmr Senior Director, NSC Staff
Kathleen Shanahan
Fmr Chief of Staff, Gov. Jeb Bush
Robert Shanks
Fmr Dep Asst Attorney General
Amb. John Simon
Fmr Senior Director, NSC Staff
Rep. Peter Smith
Fmr U.S. Representative
Michael Steele
Fmr Chairman, RNC
Rep. Alan Steelman
Fmr U.S. Representative
Charles Sykes
Editor-at-Large, The Bulwark
Amb. William Taft, IV
Fmr Deputy Secretary of Defense
Miles Taylor
Fmr Chief of Staff, Dept of Homeland Security
William Tobey
Fmr Dep Administrator, Nat Nuclear Security Admin
Jack Tomarchio
Fmr Princ Dep Under Secretary of Homeland Security
Olivia Troye
Fmr Special Advisor to the Vice President
Amb. Robert Tuttle
Fmr U.S. Ambassador
Chris Vance
Fmr Chairman, Washington State Republican Party
Joshua Venable
Fmr Chief of Staff, Dept of Education
J.W. Verret
Fmr Sen Rep Counsel, House Financial Services Cmte
Theresa Van Vliet
Fmr Chief of the Narcotic and Dangerous Drug Section, Dept of Justice
Rep. James Walsh
Fmr U.S. Representative
Thomas Ward
Fmr Director of Threats, Ballistic Missile Defense Organization
Matthew Waxman
Fmr Prin Dep Director, State Dept Policy Planning
Christine Todd Whitman
Fmr Governor of New Jersey
Gregory Wilson
Fmr Dep Asst Secretary of the Treasury
Cole Wist
Fmr State Legislator, CO
Dov Zakheim
Fmr Under Secretary of Defense
David Zimov
Fmr NSC Staff